
Corestar Wellness

The Myth of Aging......Can we really change our bodies after 50?

Published over 1 year ago • 5 min read

Hello Reader,

Have you ever had an injury that all of a sudden showed up and you don’t really know what you did, or how it happened? I jokingly call these “sleeping injuries” because sometimes I just wake up that way!

Most people, when talking about this, will usually follow it with a comment like…“I guess I’m just getting old” as a way to shrug it off and continue on.

But is that really what it is?

Is there any truth to the idea of the age of our body is the reason it hurts? Is that what we’ve come to expect from our bodies as they age? That it’s an inevitable decline into dysfunction and we can’t expect otherwise? YIKES!!

I would like to offer an alternative viewpoint to that “I’m just getting old” excuse we make to ourselves too often. And believe me, I am well aware that any misalignment or previous injury in the body potentially leads to ingrained patterns that can wear us down over the passage of time and degeneration can happen.

But it's also important to realize that this is something we have some control over. It is my belief and my personal experience that the body is designed to heal itself regardless of age!

It’s not our age that causes the problems, it is what we do to support our body that matters.

So WHY do we believe that we are destined to have our bodies continue to degrade as we age? Aside from the anti-aging society we live in, and the message that it's a BAD thing to age, I think we don’t believe in our own ability to regain strength, heal, and actually improve our bodies as we age. It goes against what we are told in our society. Are you tired of this?! (I know I am!)

I am here to say, that you CAN improve as you age; your strength, your flexibility, your cognitive function, and more, IF you are willing to stay aware and treat your body with the love and support it deserves. (And of course, to put in the work it takes to do this!)

I want to share an experience I had during the pandemic that is an example of what I mean….

One day out of the blue, I suddenly began to experience a loss of function in my right hip. I couldn’t move it the way I was used to, without pain and restriction. I had no injury, and no trauma that happened, one day it just stopped functioning.
It was extremely frustrating not to be able to do basic things I was able to do all my life. I ignored it for a long time, and it continued to worsen (of course).
This was a perfect example of a time when most people “my age” would say… ”I’m just getting old”, and suffer through. But I was determined to get answers and figure out what had happened.
I’ll spare you the experience I had visiting a doctor, but the end result was I got into PT to get some answers. It was humbling to learn I needed to strengthen my glutes (lol). I got a chance to learn some methods of realigning my hip joint and then strengthening my surrounding muscles to keep it in place. A very old injury and years of a pattern of misalignment sprang up when I went from a lot of movement every day to pandemic days being quarantined and sitting in front of a computer every day.
In the end, I am here to tell you that I have regained the function and range of movement in my hip joint, and am able to return to all the things I used to do! In spite of my age! (Hah)

I share this story as a message of encouragement. You are not destined to continue to degrade as you age. There may be things that come up that challenge you. But you can improve with mindfulness and focus on the right type of movement.

What I know from experience, is that we need a daily dose of movement of some kind to keep our bodies in good working order.

To that end, this month I want to focus on the basic things that helped me regain strength and movement. The type of movement that stretches muscles where needed and strengthens and stabilizes them.

These foundational “3 S’s” are going to be the theme of my Monthly Mix this month.

It is such important work for us even if we don’t have an injury, to remain strong, in order to stabilize our joints.

Injuries can happen when we are not strong and become sedentary. And I know we all want to KEEP MOVING!

I would love to have you join me for class next Saturday, October 15th, 9 AM PST, as we stretch, and work on muscle strength and stabilization. Important components for living a long and vibrant life.

And a side note of another successful healing experience for me this year to reinforce this message ……You may remember I broke my wrist last year. I spent the past year with a focused determination to my PT and doing all the things I was guided to do, (and then some). I am happy to say I am finally “back to normal”. Most days I forget that it was broken, and I am able to return to doing all the things I once did! This level of injury of course required more medical intervention, (surgery) and more Physical Therapy to rehab it. I learned a great deal about what fear and vulnerability do to us in the healing process as well.

But it is still the same message. That It IS POSSIBLE to heal our bodies fully, regardless of our age!!

Please join me in my mission to “RE-Imagine Aging” for all of us! 

Strengthening, Stretching, and Stabilizing are the focus for Monthly Mix this month!

Remember, in the words of Joseph Pilates.....

You're not too old, and it's not too late.

Joseph Pilates.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Much Love,

Enjoy one of my favorite Fall soups below!

Oh, And be on the lookout for more info on "RE-Imagine Aging" as a community for us in the very near future!

Details to come soon.

My regular Saturday Monthly Mix class continues for October this Saturday, Oct. 15th, at 9 AM PDT. As I said earlier I want to focus on the basic things that helped me regain strength and movement this month. The type of movement that stretches muscles where needed and strengthens and stabilizes them.

No prior experience is needed. Just come as you are, or show up to watch the video replay all month if you can't do the live class. Let's learn to move more fluidly and build strength and stability together!

This class is only $10 and will help you build routines that make it easy to incorporate daily movement into your life. Plus, you will have access to it for a full 30 days!

Every class includes a "Homework" section- a PDF of a short series of movements you can do every day at home in 10 min or less. Print the PDF of these sequences and put it on your fridge to remind you to do them!

REMEMBER- YOU DO NOT HAVE TO ATTEND THE LIVE CLASS. You will have access to the recording and be able to do it as often as you like all month long.

Downloadable PDF: Butternut Squash Soup.pdf

Downloadable PDF (including Honey Miso Glaze): Sweet & Spicy Sweet Potatoes.pdf

Corestar Wellness

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